Anxiety can be seen as a disabling condition that is often accompanied with long-term stress and may cause an effect in your health. It has been known to contribute to many chronic diseases. That’s why it is advised you take swift measures to help cure anxiety and other mood disorders. Natural cures have proven to be of help when it comes to addressing the root of the problem.

Anxiety have no boundaries, it can affect people of all ages, various studies has been able to show that 40–60 percent of people with anxiety often experience signs of depression, which seems to have make it an even more serious and difficult condition to treat properly, other research shows that individuals with anxiety cannot achieve short or long term remissions successfully, with remission rates remaining as low as 38 percent after five years. The spectacular news about all of these is that there are many natural cures for anxiety that are very safe and do not cause any adverse side effects.

For anxiety, when you start consuming a clean and well-balanced diet that contains a lot of important nutrients like vitamin B, magnesium and omega-3s which your body needs you will then be able to notice certain difference in your mood, energy levels and sleep patterns in your fight against anxiety, there are also supplements and lifestyle changes that are natural cures for anxiety.


Anxiety is known to be a normal response to stress. It has been marked as the most prevalent mental health condition. Anxiety becomes an issue when it becomes constant, which over time begins to affect your day-to-day life negatively. There have been number of anxiety disorders, which include generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder and panic disorder. I will be going over some of the causes of anxiety that you might not be aware of, which are:

  • Excessive alcohol
  • Stress
  • Caffeine or sugar intake
  • Thyroid problems
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Dysfunctional serotonin

To add up to all of these, research has been able to show that one risk factor for anxiety disorders include being female, experiencing stressful life events in your childhood and adulthood, having a family record of mental health disorders, having limited economic resources.

Although, anxiety has been characterized by excessive worrying and tension, there are other physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety that I will be bringing to your attention, which are:

  • Restlessness
  • Poor diet
  • Irritability
  • High blood pressure
  • Muscle tension
  • Sweating
  • Anxiousness
  • Inability to socialize
  • Difficulty concentrating


Like I said earlier there are some natural remedies that can help you in your fight against anxiety, and I will be bringing before you natural cures that have proven to be of help when it comes to treating anxiety.



Over time studies have been able to show that there is a connection between diet choices and psychology, physiology and behavior of a person, the diet choice of a person starts to show impact from the moment he or she is born, to adult life. The consumption of too many or too little calories can increase the anxiety symptoms and other psychological or emotional disorder.

When an individual have a poor diet it can lead to many anxiety symptoms, which includes moodiness, fatigue and abnormal blood sugar levels that can cause nervousness and jitters. A poor diet can bring about weight gain, and this will lead to an impact in your body image and might bring about feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt.

The consuming of anti-inflammatory foods can be a natural cure for anxiety due to the fact they aid in neurotransmitters synthesizing and help in balancing of mood and stress response. It is highly recommended that you consume healthy fats, unrefined carbohydrates and lean protein. To also help improve anxiety symptoms, make sure to add more of vitamin B foods, magnesium rich foods, foods that are high in calcium and omega-3 foods to your diet. Foods such as:

  • Organic chicken
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt or kefir
  • Leafy greens ( spinach, kale, chard and collard greens)
  • Fresh fruits ( pineapple, banana and figs)
  • Healthy fats (avocado, coconut oil and olive oil)
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Unrefined grains ( quinoa, barley and farro)

When you consume foods that have a high glycemic index it can contribute to anxiety and depression. Sugar and refined carbohydrate can give your blood sugar highs and lows throughout the day, which will then increase your anxiety and nervousness. These foods can lead to mood swings and then alter your energy levels, making it difficult to get your anxiety symptoms under control.

These foods can also contribute to inflammation and as well alter your brain structures and the function of your neurotransmitter. To help maintain a normal blood sugar level and improve your anxiety symptoms also, endeavor to stay away from refined foods such as pastries and cookies, sweetened beverages, fried foods, processed meat, cereals and fast foods.


When you consume too much of caffeine or alcohol you risk the chance of increasing your anxiety symptoms. A study has proven that the abstinence from alcohol is often associated with a lower risk of anxiety. To help reduce anxiety, you can go as far by avoiding alcohol completely or you can just as well limit your alcohol intake.

The consuming of excess caffeine can induce anxiety symptoms, people with panic disorder and social anxiety seem to be sensitive to the effects of caffeine particularly. Try as much as you can to cut low on your caffeine and alcohol intake.



Magnesium plays a lot of important roles in your body, and the lack of magnesium is one of the leading deficiencies in adults, so if you see yourself struggling with anxiety, you should try taking a magnesium supplement. Magnesium helps to relax your muscles and calm your nervous system. It aids in the regulating of certain hormones that are crucial for calming the brain and helps in promoting relaxation.

It is commonly used for the combating of anxiety, poor digestion, muscles aches and trouble sleeping. You can look for magnesium in citrate, chloride and chelate, they are the forms the body absorbs better. However, you should know that too much magnesium can lead to diarrhea, so mind the dose you are taking. You should endeavor to start with smaller amounts of magnesium and work your up to the dose that is effective for you.


You should know that B vitamins also help to combat stress and stabilize your mood. Vitamin B6, serves as a natural cure for anxiety because it helps to boost your mood, balance your blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy nervous system.

The symptoms of a vitamin B6 deficiency include anxiety, irritability, and depression, changes in mood, muscle pains and fatigue. The vitamin B12 is very important in fighting chronic stress, mood disorders and also depression. It will help in improving your concentration, improve your energy levels and allow your nervous systems to function well.



The lack of sleep can amplify anticipatory anxiety by stimulating the regions of your brain that are associated with emotional processing. This means if you keep depriving yourself of sleep it can contribute to the common symptoms of anxiety. By restoring of proper sleep patterns, individuals with anxiety can reduce the feelings of fear and tension. Endeavor to get at 7-9 hours of sleep every night in order to reduce stress, keep your hormones in balanced and reduce fatigue.



Physical activities can also help to improve your sleep quality, reduce inflammation, boost your confidence, improve your energy levels and help to ease stress and tension. People who suffer from anxiety can benefit a lot from exercises like yoga, it aim at keep you relaxed and it involves deep

breathing technique that can reduce stress and muscle tension. You can also practice other exercises that help to keep your body calm such as walking, running and even dancing all of these can help your in combating stress.


Mindfulness meditations have a beneficial effect on anxiety symptoms and improve stress reactivity and a coping mechanism when you are faced with a stress challenge. Meditating is one of the natural cures for anxiety, it will help to reduce your cortisol levels, improve the quality of your sleep, boost your overall productivity at home or at work, and as well treat your anxiety.


When you are trying to overcome anxiety, seeking for help from your family, friends and a professional therapist can be very helpful. The cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on a person’s underlying thoughts in finding out how we act and feel. Therapists usually aim at changing your thought patterns and reactions so that you can handle stressful situations better.

If your anxiety seems to be affecting your quality of life, consider connecting with other people who are dealing with anxiety. Together, you will be able to use these natural cures for anxiety with members of your community and you will be able to work through tough situations with their support.


Anxiety is something you can treatment, you don’t have to turn a deaf ear to the warning signs of anxiety, and even when you want to start treating your anxiety it is better you try doing it with the natural cures, because it will help you get rid of anxiety on time without any delays, you will definitely end up feeling good about yourself. You should know your overall health is all that matters so you should always keep your health in check.