I grew up playing a lot of sports which lead to many breaks, sprains, and strains throughout my life. I spent a good amount of time getting therapy and seeing my Orthopedic. I rarely got sick so I saw my…

I grew up playing a lot of sports which lead to many breaks, sprains, and strains throughout my life. I spent a good amount of time getting therapy and seeing my Orthopedic. I rarely got sick so I saw my…
INTRODUCTION According to the Mayo Clinic, a classic migraine headache is a lateralized throbbing headache that occurs episodically, following its onset in adolescence or early adult life. In the broader sense, migraine headaches may be lateralized or generalized, may be…
INTRODUCTION Anxiety can be seen as a disabling condition that is often accompanied with long-term stress and may cause an effect in your health. It has been known to contribute to many chronic diseases. That’s why it is advised you…
INTRODUCTION Cаndіdа is among one of the most common types оf yeast infection thаt is fоund іn thе mouth, іntеѕtіnаl trасt and also in thе vаgіnа, and іt may аffесt thе skin аnd оthеr muсоuѕ membranes. If the immune ѕуѕtеm…
INTRODUCTION Aсіd reflux which іѕ соmmоnlу саllеd GERD іѕ a соndіtіоn thаt оссurѕ іn whісh асіdѕ bасkѕ uр frоm thе ѕtоmасh straight іntо thе esophagus аnd еvеn up tо thе throat whісh thеn lеаd tо thе іrrіtаtіng оf thеіr lіnіng…
INTRODUCTION An estimate of about 6 million Americans are known to be suffering from fibromyalgia, and 90 percent of people suffering from fibromyalgia are said to be women. They have always been arguments why more women suffer from fibromyalgia than…
INTRODUCTION Depression is when a person constantly experiences a low in their mood, to the point where it starts to interfere with their daily life. Struggle with depression is known to be extremely painful, that’s why it’s a thing to…
1) Acupuncturists view each person holistically and individually. No two people are alike. Every cell in that person’s body is interconnected to others and is functioning as part of an integrated whole. In other words, acupuncture treats the whole person,…
Thanksgiving is a great meal. Friends and family come together to give thanks and celebrate the harvest season– …and to overeat. All of us know the feeling of eating too much, too heavy, too rich. When we should be enjoying…
6 Facts to Know When Using Acupuncture to Quit Smoking Smoking is a strong, complicated addiction. Quitting smoking is no small task and you will need lots of support to be successful. You need the best tools to help with…